- Created on Monday, 01 January 2018 10:38
与合作伙伴聚在一起通常有助于为项目提供宝贵的资源, but it can also amplify and improve the outcomes of the project itself. That's what happened in northeast Nebraska when Nebraska Indian Community College joined forces with the Omaha Tribe, the Santee Sioux Tribe and the Center for Rural Affairs to get more bang for the buck on a food sovereignty assessment effort.
自1994年以来,它一直为内布拉斯加州的奥马哈部落提供服务 Campus, and the Santee Sioux Tribe of Nebraska at the Santee Campus. It also has a 内布拉斯加州南苏市的校园地点,根据十大赌博靠谱信誉网站拨款作者迈克·伯杰的说法.
为了履行其为两个部落国家服务的承诺,尼加拉瓜国家信息中心是其中之一 39个美洲土著部落和组织获得赠款,以帮助他们 他们在不同的地方进行食物主权或社区食物评估, from 2016 to 2017. First Nations Development Institute (First Nations) provided the grants, totaling nearly $650,000, under its Native Agriculture and Food Systems Initiative, with generous support from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and the Indigenous Peoples Fund of Tides Foundation.
这笔拨款使十大赌博靠谱信誉网站得以与桑蒂和奥马哈部落政府合作 项目,以及位于内布拉斯加州里昂的农村事务中心(CFRA)来执行 开展鼓励社区参与粮食主权评估的活动. Berger is the grant writer for 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站 and the grant manager with the project.
Expanding Reach
We serve 170 students at three locations, and have less than 10 faculty members. Were a very small tribal college and without partnering we couldn't have implemented a food sovereignty project. We have limited staff, and partnerships with this project greatly expanded our reach into our communities, said Berger.
部落、十大赌博靠谱信誉网站和CFRA首先举行了小组和个人讨论小组讨论 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站两个部落的粮食主权项目,以及获得更广泛的目标 了解目前的桑提苏族和奥马哈食物系统,以及如何建立 根据他们的项目所服务的社区的兴趣和支持 report to First Nations.
信息在每个部落社区的几个地点共享,包括 奥马哈Pow Wow委员会会议,奥马哈咨询健康博览会,Santee健康中心, and the Walthill library, to name a few.
在各种活动中,调查问卷被分发给社区成员,并被审阅 在一些活动中,比如罗莎莉老定居者日,桑蒂健康中心,一对一的交流 Diabetes Programs Greek salad cooking class, and the Omaha tenant education class.
In-Person Activities Important
While social media was used to get initial information out to the communities, it 当谈话时,面对面的活动是最成功的吗 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站粮食主权和获得调查,最终有500多个 participants total for both tribes.
The survey established and identified what we need to address and the interesting 我们正在研究的输送蔬菜的途径,比如 移动蔬菜车,与部落合作,为人们开发一个运送系统 who request fresh vegetables. At the local grocery store, vegetables are imported, but with a mobile grocery store that could create a market for area farmers, said Berger.
移动蔬菜车的想法不仅可以提供新鲜农产品,而且 也填补了许多部落成员在两个保留地经历的交通差距. 即使有人有车,他们也要面对一个小时甚至更长时间的单程驾驶 to reach the nearest big-box store. Add on the cost of gas and car upkeep, and this often puts a trip for fresh produce out of the reach for many tribal members.
除了创造更健康的新鲜水果和蔬菜,调查 表示对振兴传统食品种植有浓厚兴趣 within the existing community gardens and providing access to traditional foods to community members who cant grow their own.
The communities would like to see a Native seed bank happen, where seeds and roots stocks can be reintroduced. But instead of sending out seeds, keep it in the community and then they own stock in community, said Berger.
Traditional Foods Draw Interest
There were some traditional foods that drew a large interest in terms of learning how to grow or access the foods, and how to prepare the traditional dishes.
Venison, squash and corn were the top three traditional foods requested by survey 作为一所大学,参与者对社区的食物类型很感兴趣 members are interested in. Its also good for us to find out what local farmers were interested in cultivating, said Berger.
CFRA代表两个部落监督农贸市场,这是一个很大的兴趣 食品生产者和消费者都有机会获得更多当地种植的食品. 此外,对家庭或社区花园和容器花园的兴趣也有所增加 on the increase for the past few years in both tribal communities. CFRA works with 两个部落都提供园艺技术援助,以应对具有挑战性的生长条件. In 2017 alone, there were nearly 300 requests for support.
The community gardens have really started taking off. Also, cooking and canning workshops ,这样我们就可以更好地教育社区十大赌博靠谱信誉网站食品安全,干燥和罐装, said Suzi French, Community Food Specialist with CFRA and an Omaha tribal member.
伯杰补充说,人们通常很难想象存在粮食不平等 或者在他们的地区有食物沙漠,就像这里被玉米包围,但是 all feed for cattle.
The food sovereignty assessments have already had a great impact on the Omaha and Santee Sioux tribal communities and the Nebraska Indian Community College, Berger added. 这些评估现在为进一步的社区发展提供了基础和方向 建议解决种子银行等领域的问题,学院如何与食物相适应 主权,以及对所有社区的健康和福祉的总体影响.
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MATC Training Mid-American Transportation Center Scholars Program
OCT 26, 2016
- Created on Wednesday, 26 October 2016 11:20
10月26-28日,我和Adam Kemp参加了2016中美运输中心(MATC) Scholars Program at UNL.
这个项目让我们听到了美洲原住民学者对他们教育的看法 获得博士学位的旅程给了我们与他人交流的机会 students starting graduate programs.
We learned steps to follow when transferring colleges, scholarship opportunities, internships, and strategies to achieve in school.
We also took a tour of the UNL engineering college facilities, as well as Memorial
Stadium/Husker Heritage.
This was very motivation and inspiring.
Submitted by Crystal Ross